It's definitely the easiest attack out of all of the Phase 2 attacks, so I don't see why you need tips for it. Just have quick reaction time and you're good.
on phase on stay on the ground and move from side to side and on phase 2 go on the side on the box away from Jon (the person screaming Garfield) and move up ad down
i really hate the jon yelling garfield and the sans throwing bones and garfield having a gun because i think they are just unfair. I have gone the jon yelling garfield attack without getting hit like 3 or 4 times. So if anyone agrees with me, tell me please.
I think that the garf-gun attack (as lumpytouch calls it) is definetely the most difficult attack, and the fact that it is so late in the fight makes it impossible to practice. The garfield and jon attack is pretty easy though.
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he was one tap and then i stood in the teeth like a idiot
I prayed and Godfield appeared, I entered Sansfield second phase.
I lost...
also any tips for odies teeth attack
It's definitely the easiest attack out of all of the Phase 2 attacks, so I don't see why you need tips for it. Just have quick reaction time and you're good.
just stay at bottom left
ok, ill try that
sorry i thought this was odie phase one attack.
oh its ok
i just did hard mode fifth time
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good for you
I just did garf-gun no hit!
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i beat it on monday mode 3 times!
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kill and spare?
I SUCK AT PHASE 1.5(sansfield sleeping)
im stuck on the entire game
Could you make a downloadable version so people can play it whenever power or they're internet goes down for some reason?
mon day
this game is awsome i love playing it thanks lumpy for creating this
I really hope this turns into a full game!
hope so
but game develoment for a 5+hrs full game can take YEARS to finish ;-; ;-; ;-;
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it would take 2.2 years to finish.
mister funny man
the laser attack is overpowered, in other attack, get hit is just take few health, but the laser attack will take 1/3 health
what laser attack
the huge laser gun that shot big laser and then change to a black ball (which also attack you)
Honestly, I think this is the most reasonable complaint about attacks. The blaster attack is difficult to dodge, and can take away tons of health.
Nermal challenges Sansfield to the ultimate duel: tits or ass?
time to have a bad monday
game hardcore bugged rn
does anyone have any way to get past garf-gun without taking damage?
Just be skiled! thats the best tip
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false, just go nine circles
why cant i go into the game? when i press space it sends me to the bottom of the page. i tried refreshing and exiting out of the tab.
why is my sound gone? i keep trying to fix it. (i even closed my web browser.)
haha L ratio bozo mr.swist
who are you? (and L bozo to you cuz i fixed it.)
does anyone have any tips for the garfield pipe attack (garfgun but not really in phase 1)
on phase on stay on the ground and move from side to side and on phase 2 go on the side on the box away from Jon (the person screaming Garfield) and move up ad down
thats what i do!
i got both endings for monday mode!!!
yo i beat monday mode yesterday!!!
how the hell do I download the game lmao
i want to smash my computer right now.
i got just phase 3 sansfield to under half health on monday mode!!
godfield isn't the big guy. that's still sansfield.
I got to Godfield and died to the Garfgun attack! It's literally the only hard attack for Godfield.
it might be a christmas miracle!! lol
okay i have the music back that was weird. Anyone have any idea why it stopped???
I can't hear any music!! I tried closing my tabs, reopening my web browser, I did everything so I need some help and ideas to get the music back.
This game is superb!!! (superb is an actual word. look it up if you don't know it.)
yo i finally beat hard mode but now i beat it 4 times so im gonna try to beat monday mode. so im really going to need some dopamine.
i really hate the jon yelling garfield and the sans throwing bones and garfield having a gun because i think they are just unfair. I have gone the jon yelling garfield attack without getting hit like 3 or 4 times. So if anyone agrees with me, tell me please.
I think that the garf-gun attack (as lumpytouch calls it) is definetely the most difficult attack, and the fact that it is so late in the fight makes it impossible to practice. The garfield and jon attack is pretty easy though.
it can be that i just need to find the "sweet spot" so i can dodge the letters. Also have you beaten Monday mode? i'm just asking bc i haven't.
i think the garfield mouth attack can also be pretty hard because in my opinion its really rng based.
stupid ass cheeseburger bro
the teddy bears (aka pooky) are also pretty stupid.
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this game is ez i beat it on normal like 7 or 8 times.
mondaymania and your gonna have a bad monday hit me harder than my dad and my brother.
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how old are you